Helping you build really participative change teams.


Participative change teams

which start the culture change

For Trusts going through a culture change who have not been through one before, and may have little idea of what it means, we provide guidance, development and support.

OD Leads tasked with culture change and busy change team members may be committed to doing the first two stages (understanding the culture and designing a leadership strategy) without really knowing what’s involved.

We know this kind of change needs different sorts of change teams: ones which celebrate their diversity, listen to multiple voices and are inclusive. Which is why change teams benefit from the support of experienced organisational coaches, ones fascinated by the process of change, skilled in leadership development AND committed to starting with what is known about the culture, based on the facts.

This approach, based on collective a large data set,of qualitative and quantitative information, and completed by a participative change team, provides a practical, evidence based, and thorough approach to creating transformational leadership.

We understand the NHSI tools, the evidence base for collective leadership, the CCL / Kings Fund collective leadership model, and how to develop the behaviours in the change team as part of the development of leadership.For Trusts going through a culture change who have not been through one before, and may have little idea of what it means, we provide guidance, development and support.

Change Team Programmes

flexible - do all stages or just 1 or 2 workshops


After working with 3 Trusts who hadn’t been through a culture change programme before, we identified four distinct stages in CRISP. Our Four learning packages for the change team, each designed to bring out the unique development needed at each stage, takes account of how to develop the change team All programmes take place in your organisation.


Stage 1

Building the Collective change team

1 full day workshop to set up the change team, introduce the evidence for collective team working and build awareness of the collective leadership model for healthcare, introduce tools and approaches to facilitate rapid building of trust between change team members.

Who is it for?
The whole change team

How long?

  • 1 full day

  • Half a day coaching for OD Lead / change team lead

Not only is there the full day workshop but the change team start to discuss their role and what culture means;

Change leaders will have the benefit of co-designing the day, based on a 2 x 2 hour co-design and coaching conversations


Stage 2

Respect for the current culture

Facilitated discussions about the findings from the diagnostic about culture and leadership. Participants are also given theory and opportunities to debate and practice compassionate, inclusive and collective leadership and probe what the future culture would feel like.

Who is it for?
The whole change team

How long?

  • 3 half days reflection

  • 3 half days leadership development

Change leaders will have the benefit of 3 coaching conversations based on the skills and behaviours needed to lead collectively


Stage 3

Synthesis and engagement

The synthesis workshop provides a breakthrough in understanding about the current culture and real concerns of staff – compassion, positive vision, goals, teamwork, learning. Guidance and objective Quality Assurance of the board report.

Who is it for?
The whole change team

How Long?

  • 1 full day synthesis workshop

  • 1 full day Quality Assurance including conversation with change lead

In addition to an independent review of the report’s findings and conclusions, based on knowledge of the evidence base for culture and collective leadership, change leads are also offered a chance to network with other change leads in other Trusts, asking questions and sharing experience.  


Stage 4

Designing the leadership strategy, Planning change

A recap of the CCL model, and the change team is taken through a process to state the implications for leadership development, including real world best practice understanding of OD and LD interventions.  

Who for?
The change leads and change team

How long?

  • 2 half day workshops

The International Futures’ Forum - how Love and Fear drive us during change

The International Futures’ Forum - how Love and Fear drive us during change

What the organisation gains from the CRISP programme:

  • All programs take place in your organisation

  • It puts organisational culture ‘on the map’ producing a detailed report for the Board on the current culture and a leadership strategy for culture change

  • Built to use the evidence based tools developed by the Kings Fund and NHS Improvement for healthcare and approaches developed by the Kings Fund jointly with the Centre for Creative Leadership for the NHS

  • A structured process of 8-10 facilitated workshops which are tailored to your context, mean Change Team members can explore the culture and leadership and are inspired to generate ideas for leading collectively and compassionately

  • Skilful leadership development which introduces compassionate and inclusive leadership for individuals and teams

  • On-going personal and/or organisational coaching so Change Leaders are developed and supported

  • Access to other Change Leaders and best practice / guidance


CRISP - 4 waves of change

There were four distinct waves which each of the trusts could describe

  • Wave 1: setting up the collective change team

    · Recruiting members of the change team and addresses how to work as a collective change team on culture

  • Wave 2: understanding what the data is saying about the current culture

    · Reviewing the findings from the diagnostic about culture and leadership, data about behaviours and culture which are not compassionate, inclusive or collaborative become a central concern and emergence of an underlying interest in more positive behaviours

  • Wave 3: synthesising the data and reporting the findings more widely

    · Approximately 5-6 months in, the synthesis workshop provides a breakthrough in understanding about the current culture and real concerns of staff – compassion, positive vision, goals, teamwork, learning. Conventional report which is detailed is drafted and then used as the basis for engaging the Board in less conventional ways.

  • Wave 4: planning the leadership needed to create new norms in the organisation

    · The 4th wave owes much to CCLs thinking about DAC. What do leaders most need to develop (knowledge, skills, behaviours, values) to set the tone and demonstrate a real commitment to a compassionate, inclusive, collaborative and learning NHS organisation?  

Resources & Guidance

A resource for chief executives, OD Leads and Change teams to better understand the experience of other change teams and have access to evidence based approaches to creating transformational cultures for health care.

We need more case studies, evidence, kit and blogs to speed up learning about how we build collective wisdom.

How does culture change?

To create a collective culture we know we have to pay more attention to leaders and their behaviour at every level of the organisation.

We are learning more and more, that context matters and how leaders behave and how they make people feel, shapes how motivated, committed and included people feel at work.

Building a compassionate inclusive culture means above all building commitment: to each other,in the team and other teams.

Finding the key behaviours which do this (& stopping those that get in the way of it) is at the core of the approach.

But it doesn’t stop there. The Centre for Creative Leadership is an organisation that uses research to develop people into better leaders. Their model of Direction-Alignment-Commitment is increasingly being used in healthcare organisations to plan whereabouts paying attention to leadership development could create a collective culture.

Collective leadership means we have to relate to each other differently, the OD job is to build the norms about how we help each other, handle conflict and build trust, in teams.
— Joan Peden, Co-Director HR, Belfast Trust, NI

Our mission


“The highest levels of performance come to people who are centred, intuitive, creative and reflective – people who know to see a problem as an opportunity’ Norwegian explorer.”
— Erling Kagge

We don’t just support you to use tools but develop you throughout your journey. Our approach allows us to get to know your organisation from the start, co-design appropriate practical strategies to develop leaders and leadership, and develop individual leaders, teams and the whole organisation.

What other changers say…

“As someone from outside the organisation they’ve been able to hold a mirror up to us about our culture, challenging us in a constructive way.”

“Helped a huge amount in drafting a practical leadership strategy.”

“External input talking about compassionate leadership.”

Get in touch

Contact us Whatever stage of the journey you are at

If you’re just thinking about it or have already started to instigate culture change in your organisation, you’ll know it’s useful to have support from an experienced OD team who are used to working inside organisations. We will also be able to put you in touch with other change teams.