About us

Providing organisational coaching and advice on shifting cultures.

We are a specialist advisory organisation

for organisations that want to create more human cultures

Steward Organisation Development has social purpose at the heart of all it does. Our work is funded by trusts, CCGs and networks, that have chosen to invest in developing their leadership and culture, aswell as donations and grants. Our aim is to make a contribution to how ‘human’ healthcare cultures feels to those who work in it.

We provide advice and support and are an open collaboration of people who share a common passion for understanding how to shift cultures.

We are interested in sharing the evidence for the kind of leadership which promotes positive human values, and along the way we are learning about how culture changes in health care.

We recognise leadership in healthcare has something to learn from other sectors, especially around power and inclusion, and we look to development sectors and their work on gender justice, amongst others.

We go beyond and above being an ‘advisory’ organisation :

  • Running and facilitating learning events which might take the form of action learning sets, webinars or conference

  • Never missing an opportunity to find out from our health partners what they have learnt

  • Sharing evidence based practice from health culture change, on this website

  • Our advisory work in health Trusts and with teams in health and care

    We are always looking for organisations who are keen to work with us in different ways and would be happy to talk about how we can adapt our approach.

Who we are

Sharing a common commitment to humanising health cultures.

Founder of KSOD Katy Steward

Katy has set up the network following 4 years of working inside organisations to develop their culture. She trained as an Anthropologist and did her field work on the culture of offshore oil rigs looking at how culture and values effect organisational learning and quality.

Katy has worked in health leadership, as a head of thought leadership and director of organisation development at the Kings Fund, and in health regulation, first a Monitor where she was responsible for the design of the new code of governance and then helping design the Care Quality Commission (CQCs) well led domain.

Katy has been an organisational coach for 5 NHS Trusts, network lead at the Kings Fund for NEDs and Chairs who want to strengthen board leadership and is Trustee of the leading poverty charity, Oxfam.

We have a small, multi professional network with a deep commitment to values leadership and expertise in the design and development of compassionate leadership, reflective practice and mindfulness based approaches, inclusive leadership programs, group facilitation, social and organisational change and teambuilding.


Margaret Hannah

Through Margaret we have a collaboration with the International Futures Forum, an inspirational international community who address change and the challenges of the 21st century.

Margaret is a consultant in Public Health Medicine and has worked in the NHS for over twenty years. A founding member of the International Futures Forum for many years, she has developed IFF Kitbag - a set of resources to promote psychological capacity in times of radical change. Her book ‘Humanising Healthcare’ represents a personal and IFF view about a future vision for a more compassionate healthcare.

Byron Lee

Byron is an Associate of Katy Steward Organisational Development (KSOD) who brings a deep interest in the design and delivery of leadership development programs in order to develop individuals and teams to create more inclusive worksplaces.  

Following his training as a nurse in the 1980s he moved into workplace projects and helped clinicians translate innovative ideas into practice.  Over the past 25 years he has spent his time working with individuals, teams and organisations as an educator, facilitator, coach, consultant and mindfulness teacher in the public, voluntary and business sectors.

Within his practice he draws on research and training in Compassionate Leadership, Applied Positive Psychology, Transformative Learning, Mindfulness, and Unconscious Bias, to help leaders develop the kind of wisdom needed to respond to challenges of today.

Caroline Lien

Caroline brings passion and expertise in organisational development and improvement to organisations delivering a public benefit. the combination of her top-tier strategy consulting background and a deep understanding of the psychology of teams and organisations (MSc in Organisational and Social Psychology) makes her a powerful orchestrator of change programmes and advisor of senior leaders.

She is engaging and vibrant facilitator of teams, building on strong purpose and values-led approaches and models. She has worked with a range of clients across health and social care, and has significant Board level experience, including currently as Vice Chair of Imperial Health Charity.

Marjory Mair

Marjory is a highly experienced OD practitioner who skilfully leads change teams, creating and facilitating small and large team learning environments. She uses an approach which encourages creativity and courage so leaders can think imaginatively and affirm their thinking about what will lead to sustainable change.

Marjory has a particular interest in social care and has coached organisations extensively helping them to work more closely across organisational boundaries including with health and housing. She was a team leader at the Work Foundation, has worked with a range of organisations seeking to put human values at the heart of how they lead.

The learning community:

  • Belfast HSC Trust

  • East Lancs NHS Foundation Trust

  • Isle of Wight NHS Trust

  • Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust

Our Case Studies

hearing about the experiences of other trusts